In page free download

Inpage download
In Page is a word processor and page layout software for languages such as Urdu, Persian, Pashto and Arabic under Windows which was first developed in 1994. It is primarily used for creating pages in the language of Urdu. This is s also post aboutt In page free download

 Click here for Download

How to install it In page free download 

First open your's download file and open it a page will open 
like this
A Welcome page will open
Click the Next button

In page free download

When your's click on Next a page will open Licence Agreement and select "i agree to the terms of this license agreement" and click on Next for 

In page free download

Then a page will open like "User InformationEnter your's Name and Company Like this In page free download

In page free download

Then Select your's Browser where your's want to install your's software like this

In page free download

Then select your's Shortcut Folder Select Make shortcuts available to all users or select any your's depend on requirement

In page free download

Your's Software will Install and wait

In page free download

A page will open there will write that Installation Successful and click on Finish

In page free download

Your's Software is install and open it a page will open like this

In page free download

For Help of in page writing click on "Edit
Then Preferences  then Keyboard Preferences

In page free download

Then a page will open
Click on Keyboard and select Phonetic and OK

In page free download

Then Click there Phonetic Keyboard (view)
your's can take help fully there about in page writing
Like this page will open

In page free download

OK and enjoy.
Your's can write English and Urdu and many language's.  

 Download Click here

If your's want any help in
Inpage free download 
then comment here.

Now enjoy this trick In page free download
