How To Speed up Mozilla Firefox

How to speed up mozilla
Mozilla Firefox (known simply as Firefox) is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation. Firefox is available for Windows, OS X and Linux operating systems, with its mobile versions available for Android and Firefox OS. It uses the Gecko layout engine to render web pages, which implements current and anticipated web standards.
There are many method's but i shearing today 2 method's which are very simple but very working How To Speed up Mozilla Firefox

OK friend's let's start
First open your's Mozilla Firefox browser and go to search bar and past this link there Click here 

How To Speed up Mozilla Firefox

A window will open like this Add to Firefox
and see also there at the top of page which written by Mozilla team.

betterFox - Make browsing experience 15% faster. 4.8.1-signed  No Restart

betterFox - Make your browsing experience 15% faster.

Auto next Page
Quick delete button in search form
Floating panel
Website Favicons
Shopping suggestions

How To Speed up Mozilla Firefox

Then Add it and a option will come that's install it.
your's install it and enjoy

It's very very simple trick of How To Speed up Mozilla Firefox but worked trick.


First open your's Mozilla Firefox browser and past this coad  in search bar  "about:config"and enter a window will open like this 

How To Speed up Mozilla Firefox

Click on I'll be careful,I promise!
A window will open like search bar then search there "network.http.pipelining"and then press right click and click on Toggle it will become false to true 
like this 
How To Speed up Mozilla Firefox

Then now also search this "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests"and press right click and click on Modify a bar will open write there
like this
How To Speed up Mozilla Firefox

Now search "network.http.proxy.pipelining"and press right click and click on Toggle and keep it fales to true
like this
How To Speed up Mozilla Firefox

Now Last step
Search "network.http.pipelining.ssland press right click and click on Toggle and keep it fales to true
like this
How To Speed up Mozilla Firefox

Now restart your's browser and enjoy in high bus Internet browsing speed.
And must see trick video

See video of How To Speed up Mozilla Firefox

If your's want any problem in How To Speed up Mozilla Firefox
then comment here.

Enjoy this trick 
How To Speed up Mozilla Firefox


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Zeeshan Haider