How to change facebook name after limit 2015

Facebook is a social networking service launched in February 2004, owned and operated by Facebook. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University student Eduardo Saver in. The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and gradually most universities in Canada and the United States, corporations, and by September 2006, to everyone of age 13 and older with a valid email address.

Everyone of Facebook user have many choices of his/her name when he/her keep one type of Facebook account name but after some time he feel that's this name is not good therefore, he want to change his/her name but can't do it and he/she become worried but don't worry because i shearing this trick How to change facebook name after limit 2015
OK Let's Start 

There Are Many Method's Today  i also shearing many Method's.

First Method of How to change facebook name after limit 2015 :

Open your's Facebook Account and go to Setting's 
and click on security 
then click on Deactivate your account

Click Here and then

Click on My Account was Hacked then click on Secure yours Account 


Then Press Continue 

A page will appear "Secure Your Account"

Then Change your's Password 

After Change your's Password Click Continue

Click on conform your's Email and Continue

Click on Continue 

Click on continue 

Click on Skip

And then your's go to Setting's and click on General then click on Name 
i sure there will be option to change your's name then change your's name and Enjoy. 

If this trick don't work then i have also another trick .

2nd Method of How to change facebook name after limit 2015

Change your's PC or Mobile time 

For Example

your's change your's name 3/72015

your's change it 4/9/2015

i think your's name will be change but this is not 100% working.

3rd Method  How to change facebook name after limit 2015

First Open your's Facebook Account then Click here 
a page will Appear 

Fill this forum  

  1. Fist give new name 
  2. give your's Middle name
  3. Give your's last name
  4. click on Pick one and click other 
  5. Click Choose file (upload your's Govt Proof or fake proof)
  6. then send.

    1-2 Day's your's name will change.

    If yours want to create id card then visit this site page Facebook Tricks.

    Enjoy this trick How to change facebook name after limit 2015

    If your's have any problem in How to change facebook name after limit 2015 then Comment here
