How to use Facebook auto liker

Every Person want that's his status or his picture like by Girl's or boys and they want's to more like's on his/her status or photo.
Today i also shear with  my friend's Auto liker of Facebook where any person can take many like's or comment's on his/her status or photo.
Now Ready For This trick.
There are Few step's if yours fallow then yours will able to use How to use Facebook auto liker Website.

How to use Facebook auto liker

 First yours go to yours Facebook Setting's Then Click Followers  and On yours Followers and keep theme's Every Body and then come on yours Update Status then set it's Privacy Public.

                                                            Then yours go Dj Liker
                                                             A page will open like this

 and click on Click Here

Click here and a page will open like this

Fist click on  Click here
A page will open like this

Then click on 2nd Click here
A page will open like this

Copy this code and past it First page

                                            Step-7= Now U have finished 98%
Now Fill Security Check

Next your's Profile open
Your's Choose what your's want auto liker,Comm-enter
Click it and click on your's Photo which your's want Like's and submit it.
Your's will show like on your's Photo Enjoy a trick How to use Facebook auto liker.

If Yours Have any problem in How to use Facebook auto liker Then  comment here 


  1. Thanks for your good article There are some of the auto liker tools are getting the users permission without the permission by the user probably DJ liker are working as like that so please check the auto liker once if you before the update of the personal details and this auto liker tool also working but I don't know about the privacy also here I given the link of the site


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Zeeshan Haider